Sunday, 26 June 2011


The big one hit the dock yesterday!As Bruce Freeman from the Brad Freeman group landed this monster 115 pound halibut!Of coures he had the much needed assistance from  buddy Rick Taylor and veteran guide Chris "Catfish" Billingsley.



Tyee & Happy Guests!

We have had a big push of 30 plus pound chinook salmon arriving over the last week! We are already into double digits for Tyee (30 plus pound chinook) along with great halibut fishing!
                                        Jay Mac and Guide Chayne Bauer with 33 pound beauty!

Solid days catch!

More amazing food from Chef Adam Perrier!

Master cut plugger Mike McAuley and Captain Sammy "the record man" Ismay show'in off a nice day!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Chef Adam Perrier is back for 2011...

Chef Adam is back for the 2011 season and he is doing it again! Adam is knocking the guest's socks off with his amazing food creations night after night here at Escott Lodge! Just have a look at some of these great food shots! The only thing better then great fishing! Is great fishing & great food!

Thank you & BIG BITES!!

Friday, 24 June 2011

Early June fishing report & great pictures!

We saw some great fishing in early June, lots of Chinook salmon right from open day! Along with solid halibut fishing and great weather conditions it has been an excellent start!Check out the pictures below...